Saturday, 28 November 2009

waiting for the number thirty, it is ditry (just a rhime)

I have a friend who gets a letter from me each day, when the date ends with six or can be divided with 6. So because of that I am so waiting for the 30th. But the best thing about life is that actually almost every moment can be waited for. Tomorrow I am going to lead a training of forum theatre. And as for today I had like a six hour talk that was so mind opening! And where does the understanding come that people need psychologists, i can see why but with me one friend does all the work! And even if she does not have a degree, I would give her one :)
Today it was the day of meeting interesting odd wonderful people(all features in all). A final statement of one conversation was could be summed up with a thought each moment we make history, create our own reality, let´s work it out!

What would be the best Christmas present for everyone irrespective of sex and age? I just today figured it out. A CD with laughter of different people on it. It is a cure, an entertainer, a sensational reminder how funny is life.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Let´s help the farmers! Long live the "kodanikualgatused"

My granny reads the "Maaleht"- focused on the problems of cracker-barrel, countryside and agriculture. She is from the countryside "maainimene", at least with one foot.
News form the countryside:
Due to the food being full of preservatives there and the anonymity of the origin of the products in the supermarkets, the consumers who care about their haealth choose to buy goods from the farmers. They give the farmers better and honest prise to boost local farming and Estonian agriculture.
Eesti keeles kõlab jube ilusasti Supermarketite ananüümse või säilitusaineteest kubiseva toidu asemel vaatavad oma tervisest hoolijad väiketalunike kapsaaeda. Talunikele paremat hinda makstes hopitakse elus ka kohalikku tootmist.
Look also here: lets help the farmers and buy carrots from the honest producers.
It is the start of a movement "tagurpidi Lavka" backwards product-bus.


Maybe I had bronchitics even, I do not know, but know fortunately it is easing off.
My granny asked me yesterday that can it be true that in my school 300 students are ill. And i answered her, It can be true. In this case the news is true, but it does not show the proportion of the ill and healthy persons, because we have 1200 and something students and 300 of them is only one-fourth. In some smaller schools it could be three-fourths so no panic and more specific data would be advisable.

people, I admire you (lovelovelovelov)

In the past few weeks i have found really interesting people in Estonia, whom about I did not know before.
A. Turay- charming man, lucky you vhk, hoping to see him in Sahtel
T. Viik- "old love" I really enjoy reading his articles
L. Peterson- I just introduced myself with his thoughts and works connected with Hamlet, he has philosopther in him.
Will be talking about them in the future also, I guess.
And i have understood some interesting things about myself also. And not speaking of the spectacular particulars and qualities in my friends that i am almost there to understand, but already love.
Life is so.... Charming= šmokintš in Latvian ( or cute )

In English it is"love" and it comes so easily of your lips and out. " Armastan", it takes more timeand effort to come out of your heart through the inner.The most robutious (cool, in estonian kare, jõuline, mürgeldav even, and of course robustne, but sounds like a robot, love the word, love, you see, so easy) is the Finnish word rakastan(mina rakastan sinua). No mida, alati imestan, et see kõlab nagu ma röövin sinu ära ja peksan ka natuke.../ it sounds like i am going to kill you soon...
Soome on perevägivalla osas Euroopas esirinnas. Soomes muideks sureb igal aastal perevägivalla tõttu 30 naist 5,2 miljonist inimesest. So in Finland the violent acts in families are so often that Finland is placed with its ratings in "top three" in the content of Europe.


I am astonished, a bit even shocked how sometimes truth looks you straight in the eye, you might notice it or not. The last thing you should do is to deny it and lie to yourself! I won´t do it. I took this picture somewhere from the open space of Internet and just now, having published it, I read it says time for school. So time four school, here I come Orlando, Stalin with his NEP and Hamlet. I won´t let myself be waited for long! But still would like to yell in dismay as Faust, oh beautiful beautiful moment delay.(Oh hetk,veel viibi. ) And actually I love learning, especially when I can do it at home, in peaceful atmasphere.
By the way yesterday I read that Faustus means happy person. Hah!

A mug

At first, I must express my strong dissatisfaction towards the fact that snow has disappeared. My snowy Island of Thoughts here might be the last snowy virtual bit of Tallinn right now. And that is sad.
I just realized(this might be the most frequently used words here. But as I discover new things I want to sort them out from some crap information, so this is the place or to sort this as crap out of the real hard good info, can be a two side street) , but did I realize. Oh yes, this blog robs me time.

And another thing, as I not yet in my 12th grade do not have a positive attitude towards my school, but not that I do not understand and tolerate it, especially the need for education, just the frame of it buts me a little bit off. But now weird to say I miss some parts of it, my class teacher who says odd things as a two way street it is, not the cup of tea I would drink and makes odd faces. Yesterday I really felt like I am almost getting to see and understand my class and the system better, but now I cannot phrase it yet.

To say some things about this blog. I at the moment define it as an island, I gather all my thoughts into one bottle and throw it to the sea, to get rid of those things, that might be also referred to as sending out new posts. This is an island and sometimes writing it it seems as if I am on an boat going to see some other "thought-islands". Here I tell my favourite story of a ship. A man wanted to go in search of an inhabited island and to cut a short story even shorter, he named his ship Unknown island and the story ended with a sentence, "Unknown island" went in search of itself. Then coming back to this mountain of impressions and reflections, I can use it as a rock. But if it is an mountainous island then it might be even a volcanic island and might explode some time in the future? I may stop this thought here.

In the end it is just a time-mugger, that consumes my time and I allow it to happen. At this moment I could read about NEP- politics in the Soviet Union and I will do it, but... in a few seconds. Oh, A happy tone in the end, I have to finish Hamlet, read the second part of Orlando(love it actually) and start reading Bulgakov, oh, hjappy day. I seem to understand that my new hobby is literature. Quite interesting, I feel I have not chosen it, but is came to my life thanks to a beloved teacher.

I sometimes must remind myself of a habit that is have not corrected in myself yet. And saying that sentence I reminded that, I do not need to tell you, because if it annoys you, you might understand, if not then I am just speaking in my own head. Old habits dye hard as they, English, say.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

opposites attract

Why is it like that when I typed into the google, something cute, to start my other blog (midagi head igasse päeva) first thing I saw was a picture of people cutting themselves. Why do people love opposite elements, to fool somebody?
Opposite camp, by the way means "vastasleer": Reformierakond is Opposite Camp to Keskerakond, as if I was really talking about camps and bivouac.

How do you feel?

I do not like narcissism, but I must admit I like the result of this blog.
The most interesting thing with blogs is connected with the fact that it is a reflection of yourself that you design yourself.
I just an hour ago read Hamlet and there he fronted his dead father. After that situation he saw what a fool he had been, what meaningless things had done and meaningless worries! He promised to change his way of living from that instant! I think during those two-three years before I abandon this nest, I will see the times when I say, how can I have lived like this? Of course life for the past months I have been active or non-active, even passive blog-writer, I have seen development and change in my, but this is more gradually and step-by-step like a perpetual mobile. I think this is a bit better way, more stable and less nerve- racking( literary speaking: to take myself apart and to build myself up again and again) But I will see how it is going to be in the future.
I just today understood that reflection , a method of developing, as it is, can be done in various stages. First in ones´s mind the observations of my actions and behaviour. Secondly the written part, as can be seen here or done in a table(knowledge, skill, attitude). Thirdly the reflection can occur in a conversation or in a judgement or comment of a teacher(the most direct one). To assess your own development or to lead your achievements to a specific goal in is necessary to take into account the changes in you thinking and the material mastered. So time to time, to be honest every second, but not to scare myself, starting bit-by-bit, ask myself how do I feel?
For example here I realized that my sentenced are too long. I know I have till now put one thought into one sentence, but I should but one thought into one paragraph.
That was a part of my self-analyses, connected with blog-writing pros. I guess I will come to the point what are the cons, because yet I do not know them.
I now feel that blog has become almost an habit, almost like an addiction. A famous and scandalous film-writer (film is Magnus, interesting film, Estonian, but interesting) said that you do not have to try to drop anything, smoking, drinking alcohol. You just have to come to the point when you do not need it (to have an alternative as Arne Laur said) and to start studying well let the habit of studying come to you, let yourself to become the addict of it. Yeah, he knew about the addictions, as some other art-related people.
I just realized that it is so much easier to spend an hour doing something than each day five minutes. But is it really important for me to force myself into the routine of five-minute obligations-pleasures. Yes. I know it myself. Not to create a snow-ball-effect i9n my life. I know.
You just experienced an inner monologue in my head. Saying it out loud, makes me realize more seriousness of the meaning, Of the true feeling'.
It is scary how similar words are monologue and monomaan=monomanic, yes the mono prefix, of course, but something else also.

in the moment

Can anyone be in this moment?

Estonian vs English= a tie ? or a butterflytie(bow tie)?

I just starting over reading Hamlet, I really do not know why. I am not fan of Shakespeare, but this anxiety and looking for right answer suits into my this week. Being a week practically locked in my house, to be honest, it is not so dramatic because I am here because of illness and I enjoy missing school- and I do not miss it!
To come back to weird it might seem, reading Shakespeare, the greatest in English literature, as they say (headed by Boletus or cep, my English literature teacher ) I again understood that I love Estonian. Till now I had an understanding or even a belief that there is no other language that is as eloquent and expressive, as you see, I am writing this language here also. My argument for this until know based on an opinion that I can name in English an object with different shades of meanings, that shows my attitude towards that object. As I can say to refer to a boy also a variety of different words that contain different impressions of characteristic of that boy. I will just say them out, not to explain no further lad(sassy word isn´t it lacking of respect) , strimpling, younker, young man and so on. As in estonian I just remember noormees and poiss. I realise that my last sentence expects me to say that in this case in Estonian (as in English) I have so much to learn. It is an interesting part that everything that one puts a lot of attention to and goes deep into, know and enjoys, of course, not to exaggerate any topic.
But I realised as in Estonian language cannot ever be so rich and expensive, we cannot show in our speeches so much shades of attitudes, but we tend to use more facial expressions and tone of our voice.(To say as a marganilia I would mention my connection- reason why youngsters use often English words and a part of their slang , it because of the expressionistic need of a teenager. And a problematic question- how to make youngsters more creative in Estonian language.) So to say lad or strimpling or younker, we say our noormees, but use cynical are sarcastic tone. People adjust to their opportunities, keep in mind the weaknesses and work on their strenghts. So that I for myself just opened the mystery to our cynical and sarcastic approach. So if a nation
Yes, to sum it up, the battle ended in my mind with a butterfly-tie even as even as it could be! The next story will be about my conversation with a Polish rapper in Torun, the subject- are all languages the same? Are all religions the same ?

Cheers to our president!

Just found an interesting word bach(poissmeheelu elama)
I just had an idea of blogmarket- lets sell ourselves.
I just would like to say to myself I really enjoyed to little discourse
As a perfect end I found also a webpage How to tie your scarf? How to tie a butterfly tie?
And one sfinx about butterfly-tie

Monday, 9 November 2009

Sometimes it is just like short movie clips, something starts and as soon as you start enjoying it, it ends. And when I have 6 short movies running at the same time, how could I enjoy any of them?
Persistency is key to success, I try to do two things: write every single day and yoga also. Lets see what comes out of this.
a comment from the future: (I am adding here 2 weeks after) I have not reached it yet, but from this second, Yes!

Sunday, 8 November 2009


On Friday, a couple of days ago it really started snowing like it is supposed to do, leaving snowdrifts on the streets. It was s0 beautiful,I was just enchaced.


It is so weird how much good words I have heard about the persons called Chris. I have not actually met any Chrises, but others have spread their enthusiasm about them.
Chris(the first) said how important Internet is in our lives. We should all use it to the maximum so he advised to think about the image everybody leave in this environment.
Chris(the second) shows others how important is enthusiasm, courage and self-confidence. He is confident that will have his own cafe for hip-hop people.
I have such a good impression of all the Chrisses before even met any person named Chris. My aim is to have such a attitude towards each person I meet. I am moving towards the stereotype-free thinking. It is almost in the reach of my hand, at least connected with the Chrisses. Or a stereotype-free is a wrong term, because I have a good impression of them. But this is maybe better then stereotype free. I will find out- i will try this out on my own(no wikipedia help hehe).

By the way, another Chris. Till now it was like the Cosmo-girl commercial easy- breasy- beautiful, and now it is smart also!
Worlds´ smartest man Chris! Halleluja, oli seda nüüd veel vaja. Chris Langan, he has like IQ 200, I know EQ is more important, but still, I am proud of Chris, Langan, this time.
Hoping to add here more Chrisses. I wonder if there is a community I like Chris or even worse Chris is the god. I would not along to any of those, I just admire their steps in this world, like a caring supervisor looking after their achievements.
Oh, but there might be connection with Christ and Chriss? I might be going now over the line of good taste and joking. But still I see big and glorious future for the Chrisses.


I love the word soul, in Estonian hing(hinge heitma, päästma hingesid, hinges on hea tunne jne), this word just sounds so emotionally and gives on the meaning with the sound even.

Feelings, attitudes

It is difficult to define my feelings. But as compared with other objects it is easier. The way I am perceived, adjusted, tuned in (phrase used usually talking about radio frequencies, but if using allegory: what frequency I am on either sad, hoping, romantic or blue). So if I feel good I see the life around me in tight colours.
Sometimes I feel like a snowflake, like a feather: life is easy, everything that is start doing goes with flying colours. In those situations I feel really brave and tomorrow does not matter.
But contrariwise to this positive view on life I on the other hand see myself as a rock: fell in the water, stuck in the bottom and not having any willingness to improve, achieve or to act on something. And to say this does not rock, only if a person has the feeling, sits on a couch and has a Rock in ones hand, I have not tried it but some tend to do it often.
Now only think I think about how to be easy-going( a snowflake) more often. And when I am a snowflake, then I must meet also others like me so in one second life can be so good that one does not have the words even to describe it. So enough with the rocks I will be a snowflake from three minutes before four, then I have three minutes to go before my life so called new life starts. If I should put 10 cents to a pig each time I say it to myself, I would have a thousand krons to spend. What would I but? Two pens and gifts for my friends and also in a week each day eating out with friends. Yes. Now I am even a bit sad that this time I will really start a new life. Hah!
A short time ago when I was in a course focusing on Children Rights, where I learned the way to develop different skills in various fields. The most important is to devide your experience into three equally important parts- knowledge, skills and attitudes. From those in my opinion the hardest to define is attitudes. I will come back to it in a while. But today I had a moment of understanding what is the basis of success- to be prepared and more vital for achieving is to analyse yourself. I already knew that before, to be honest, but made connections between the fundamental truth and the example of Peep Vain. As Peep Vain is like one of the most famous people who are connected with tuition, what he has done- analysed why is he disappointed, why has not he succeeded whith somethings, what makes hime happy and forumated simple truths out of them. And it is that simple every person can be their own Peep Vain, but it is sometimes difficult to face your own problems and you character.
I tend to think sometimes that every person can do hundred, even more things for oneself, but I do not know is it comfort or just saving time the reason why we desist from helping ourselves. This is just a thought or like some say, thinking loud, but one reason why the psychologists have often difficulties with realtions and undrestanding their family is connected with the thing that they do not want to see the problems in theirselves. I am not a psychologist, that is why it might be total nonsense. The idea is connected with the budistic understanding that all the gods represent some feelings or problems of persons. People often do not want to see in themselves, easier is to take a stand point with the values or even issues that are in other things or people. To understand yourself, to find the reasons and solutions people can connect to gods. So to come back to psychologist that they relate personally to problems. The thing they want to do is solve sonfusion in their spirit, but for that it is easier to define the facts that are in others and then solve them. It is a very confusing and weird thought, I have put it down and I will think about it and some time in the future make it more clearer.

To be prepared as a song in Kelli´s favourite film says:) and to analyse myself- this I try to do more consciously and often.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

I guess as I continue blogging this becomes easy and a habit, but now it is rather new to me. I got really enthusiastic about blogs when I saw Julia and Julie the film in the Coca Cola Plaza. As in that movie it was obvious how inspiration and stories for films and books may come from blogs so I see the blogs might be the new "streets and buses", where people overhear others conversations.
So I will see what grows out of this. Not hoping too much of this. I will firstly improve my consistency of one activity. My objective right now is two years .

Starts snowing!

I would like to tell you a story. I guess this one might be interesting only for the ones who were there, but from that story came my blog title also.
A year ago. Three girls ran out of the stuffy schoolhouse to go for a walk after dinner. The students were not there in the little village to study, they were to teach others. Lets go two hours back in time understand what they were doing there after all. First it was very challenging to see twelve little girls and boys looking at you not understanding why are you there and what do you want to do. As a matter of fact at that moment, we, the so called theatre-teachers thought the same thing. As the teachers were nervous, and no trick like lets imagine the audience naked or something like that would help, they took little time to get introduced with the children. Soon, after a few icebreaking games it was the clock that saved as we were happy that for this day it was all. But tomorrow was also a day.
And to get to the snowy part. They were walking outside along a small road and just fooling around. For some moments they walked, eyes closed, made a stop to see the nature and they had also a cat there with them- coming form nowhere and one moment she was also gone. For the above mentioned reasons it was a tiring, confusing day. Walking, laughing and looking around, they once saw snow coming down. It was snowing heavily and at one point it was clearly visible how the snowflakes made the same effect as somebody had a white thread and would baste/sew the air together. And at that moment it was so ridiculously indifferent what would happen, it did not happen was tomorrow a day or not, would it come or not. One would just look around and feel like surrounded by feathers.
The next day some things went damn well, others not so good but the emotion from the evening was the one that would be in my mind till now.