Sunday, 8 November 2009


It is so weird how much good words I have heard about the persons called Chris. I have not actually met any Chrises, but others have spread their enthusiasm about them.
Chris(the first) said how important Internet is in our lives. We should all use it to the maximum so he advised to think about the image everybody leave in this environment.
Chris(the second) shows others how important is enthusiasm, courage and self-confidence. He is confident that will have his own cafe for hip-hop people.
I have such a good impression of all the Chrisses before even met any person named Chris. My aim is to have such a attitude towards each person I meet. I am moving towards the stereotype-free thinking. It is almost in the reach of my hand, at least connected with the Chrisses. Or a stereotype-free is a wrong term, because I have a good impression of them. But this is maybe better then stereotype free. I will find out- i will try this out on my own(no wikipedia help hehe).

By the way, another Chris. Till now it was like the Cosmo-girl commercial easy- breasy- beautiful, and now it is smart also!
Worlds´ smartest man Chris! Halleluja, oli seda nüüd veel vaja. Chris Langan, he has like IQ 200, I know EQ is more important, but still, I am proud of Chris, Langan, this time.
Hoping to add here more Chrisses. I wonder if there is a community I like Chris or even worse Chris is the god. I would not along to any of those, I just admire their steps in this world, like a caring supervisor looking after their achievements.
Oh, but there might be connection with Christ and Chriss? I might be going now over the line of good taste and joking. But still I see big and glorious future for the Chrisses.

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