Saturday, 28 November 2009

waiting for the number thirty, it is ditry (just a rhime)

I have a friend who gets a letter from me each day, when the date ends with six or can be divided with 6. So because of that I am so waiting for the 30th. But the best thing about life is that actually almost every moment can be waited for. Tomorrow I am going to lead a training of forum theatre. And as for today I had like a six hour talk that was so mind opening! And where does the understanding come that people need psychologists, i can see why but with me one friend does all the work! And even if she does not have a degree, I would give her one :)
Today it was the day of meeting interesting odd wonderful people(all features in all). A final statement of one conversation was could be summed up with a thought each moment we make history, create our own reality, let´s work it out!

What would be the best Christmas present for everyone irrespective of sex and age? I just today figured it out. A CD with laughter of different people on it. It is a cure, an entertainer, a sensational reminder how funny is life.

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