Saturday, 17 July 2010


Love, love, love. I just love Jena and all that is here, including me.
I could tell about my interesting day at work or the walking trip I took another day, my wonderful friends from Estonia that jump in in different ways to my life still being still in my mind and heart, always with me, but these are the longlasting and stable pieces in my mind-puzzles so to say the cornerpieces of the puzzle. Not to loose the thought and feelings of the moment, I will use this colourful page at the moment.

The importance of water in our lives cannot be underestimated in any way. In these hot days as now is it essential. But also other forms. The rain falling through the air, from sky like sharp needles going through the cloth. Also the dramatic flash in the sky that makes everything clear and as if the sky wakes up for a second until the stable darkness takes over again. These are the forces of nature that remind themselves, to us, that we perhaps would not forget the importnace of balance. Too poetical? Heh. Yes, these were the first days that I saw rain in Germany. Indeed, here are also not so sunny days, I cannot believe my eyes.

I took a better look at my neighbourhood. To see all these cubicals...all the lives of people pushed into shaped forms, yes the apartment buildings. Behind each light window there is still a story, but it is often easier not to bother ourselves with all that. But to take a moment to care, take a moment to listen, the real stage of theater opens before your eyes.

When not talking the light of flash or lamps that I see from windows, rather like understanding and awareness, then I would like to mention the importance of keepin g our lives shining. Those "ahaa " moments sometimes appearing to rarely, but I quess we have them when we are ready for it. I must admit that tonight was the time when I discovered and understood the different stories I have heared and experienced for the past days.

Perhaps I am too hasty when making the following remarks, and I guess a bit rude also, but if from the different pieces of puzzle, came that kind of picture, what can I do. I would like to contiunue the above mentioned light motiv. In the northen countries, where excits less natural sun, is more successful at such mind light, understanding, the light that illumines the world- each situation and phenomenon. It seems that the northen countries can be proud of more science achievements. There is not much proof to that, I could mention Sweden where they afterall give out the Nobel prize and a row of German scientist starting from Carl Zeiss, who invented the lens, from my little Jena. But the rude statement is just because of my co-volunteer Raffa, who dared to say that German is illogical, just because for a spanish person it is difficult language. Although the structure of the sentence is the same as in the latin (having the auxilliary verb in the first part of the sentence and the main verb in the end) and the Germans say the numbers differently from the English (45 the say 5 and 40) he has no right to say that as a fact. It could be his belief, but not such a fact. Yes, it took half an hour before he had come out with all his arguments and thoughts one worse than other. So as always people have personal reasons for coming to different conclusions, although not always they are ready to be open with discussing those, is this for my south-north topic here.

The lightning made the sky as white as chalk, again. What a beautiful logical English sentence to finish.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

In the middle of The Story...

I am here, because of many reasons, but the most easily explainable is the language and this is important for me at the moment. German really is cute in my opinion and it is the language of philosophy and educational theory. So this is where I start my experience in living in this language- at the moment the words are just words for me and I mix them up easily, English and Estonian are as a bridge for me to understand the German language.

I was just week ago in my favourite little town which is just like cut out from a fairy-tale. And when I think about it was just as if cut out of a fairy-tale, the houses seemed like made from chocholate and cream as i it would be possible to have there from curly roof-edges some sweet bites. Actually there was more to it than just these houses, during the day we told quite a many fairy-tales in our little group. The reson why I happen to enter the walls of this wonderful city, was the greatest folkfestival in Germany (a couple of years ago also in Europe). We had a supernice host Philip, a local. Though he could give as only one entrycard, it made or entry to the concert a lot more like an adventure. There was all kinds of folkmusic, starting from a german version of Indegolapsed, moving on with a german 70-year-old violist in pink trousers and finishing with world music from Brasil to India.

For me the next situation is the perfect example of how representatives of different cultures tell the always the same stories, in different words or phrases, terms. So I enjoyed when I was told about Snowwhite, like for them also for me quite known tale, it was quite a good example how differences of the cultures do not play that big role. As I could focus only on the differences, I can and do try to see the similarities of different cultures.

As here I do encounter quite a many people from different counties, it was an interesting experience to meet Frence students here, but also to see a French movie.
For me the most clarly came foward the fact that as their life emotional expression is important, then their films also emphisise more the effects that play with the feelings of the audience. So lots of songs, love scenes, everyday situations are there made me rather emotional about the topics discussed. So it seemed that they do not think about the goal, the main idea, the themes the movie wants to stress, like in many other films, we could say that I learned that or this. Just the process, different magical moments, watching the people running their course are the key points, the audience can get from this artistic achievement. I really do not like that much any more the films I have seen so far, where the main idea is so touchable and more and more going to ignore American mainstream production.

As the last part a little about tandems. I am in a tandem- in pair with a german girl who wants to practise English and as I want to imporve my German, she helps me with this. She was the one who explained me why so many in Germany want to go to the states. The reason is the same as centuries before- freedom. It seems for them the opposite to Germany, while here is everything very regulated and social system is of highest importance, then they search for something different in Usa. Although there is everything liberal and more anonymus, I am not very sure that is a logical place where could search for something very different.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

sounds of life

Although it has become a everyday-thing seeing rabbits, I am still amased by it.
I have been for the last days on different sides of the Saale, the river going through Jena, my cosy town.
Although there is confusion, fusion and on-going melodies in my few past days I will start with the last one.
The sound that usually come out of me, remind German. Although quite often I have to say "Ich habe dich nicht verstanden"... So most of the Germans think when I open my mouth that I am from Austria, which is not the worst situation.
Today spending time at the Uni campus square at the sofa party (quite cool sitting on a huge sofa, in a mind rain). It was my first rainy day here, to be honest, the weather is like a slow mirror to my feelings, because yesterday was the first a little sad day, because of uncertainty and false-hopes. So that was the place where I could practise my jembe and samba skills a bit.
These were the words that came out of my tonight, about the sounds that have come out of me. I guess that with the words and sounds, they sometimes say more about a person out of the context than seen in stories or songs, I just have this feeling.
Tomorrow I will go to see a film "Songs of love", let´s see how that sounds then... ;)

Friday, 2 July 2010

Darker nights

Sometimes I feel a bit empty...For that reason the emotions coming out of me are more rather as of side-watchers. So I do not have the energy to be so amased at everything, to analyse enough, open a dictionary or a book.

The situation when anybody is not really waiting anything from me, is new. The striving force behind everything should be me, will be me, am I.

At times when all the volunteers are as tired and full of impressions they cannot express, or else they would be like durasel bunnies. At moments like these we perhaps just breath together like was an hour ago by the Saale river where we looked at the stars and planes in a total darkness.

As we have here already discussed the beerprices and tobacoprises in Portugal, Rumania, Estonia and Germany, was today time for sushi. In Italy costs one plateof sushi 50 Euros! Here we could get a frozen sushi with 3 Euros.

Tomorrow I will go to Rudolstadt for two days. Earlier as I already mentioned how much I like to see little signs of doing the right thing, I had this feeling again.
A rather complex story why am I going to Rudolstadt festival. I met a volunteer from Germany in Tallinn, who got the contact of one German volunteer in Weimar from a friend. So this girl gave me the contact of the boy in Rudolstadt and i will meet those two in there tomorrow.

In the end one fun story from my everyday life. As you aleady know I have here very cool workers who start at 7 from the appartment above us, every day! One morning, being almost naked in my room, I saw one workmen behind my window and after a fierce scream, I ran quickly to another room. The workmen must have been suprised.