Friday 2 July 2010

Darker nights

Sometimes I feel a bit empty...For that reason the emotions coming out of me are more rather as of side-watchers. So I do not have the energy to be so amased at everything, to analyse enough, open a dictionary or a book.

The situation when anybody is not really waiting anything from me, is new. The striving force behind everything should be me, will be me, am I.

At times when all the volunteers are as tired and full of impressions they cannot express, or else they would be like durasel bunnies. At moments like these we perhaps just breath together like was an hour ago by the Saale river where we looked at the stars and planes in a total darkness.

As we have here already discussed the beerprices and tobacoprises in Portugal, Rumania, Estonia and Germany, was today time for sushi. In Italy costs one plateof sushi 50 Euros! Here we could get a frozen sushi with 3 Euros.

Tomorrow I will go to Rudolstadt for two days. Earlier as I already mentioned how much I like to see little signs of doing the right thing, I had this feeling again.
A rather complex story why am I going to Rudolstadt festival. I met a volunteer from Germany in Tallinn, who got the contact of one German volunteer in Weimar from a friend. So this girl gave me the contact of the boy in Rudolstadt and i will meet those two in there tomorrow.

In the end one fun story from my everyday life. As you aleady know I have here very cool workers who start at 7 from the appartment above us, every day! One morning, being almost naked in my room, I saw one workmen behind my window and after a fierce scream, I ran quickly to another room. The workmen must have been suprised.

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