Sunday, 4 July 2010

sounds of life

Although it has become a everyday-thing seeing rabbits, I am still amased by it.
I have been for the last days on different sides of the Saale, the river going through Jena, my cosy town.
Although there is confusion, fusion and on-going melodies in my few past days I will start with the last one.
The sound that usually come out of me, remind German. Although quite often I have to say "Ich habe dich nicht verstanden"... So most of the Germans think when I open my mouth that I am from Austria, which is not the worst situation.
Today spending time at the Uni campus square at the sofa party (quite cool sitting on a huge sofa, in a mind rain). It was my first rainy day here, to be honest, the weather is like a slow mirror to my feelings, because yesterday was the first a little sad day, because of uncertainty and false-hopes. So that was the place where I could practise my jembe and samba skills a bit.
These were the words that came out of my tonight, about the sounds that have come out of me. I guess that with the words and sounds, they sometimes say more about a person out of the context than seen in stories or songs, I just have this feeling.
Tomorrow I will go to see a film "Songs of love", let´s see how that sounds then... ;)

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