This is quite a good time to speak about the things that happened yesterday, now it is already yesterday, wow. I will chllange myself to describe the scenery and atmosphere, what are very important in this case, I hope you can feel and sense this also.
As I was already at home and started listening to music, it was a suprise to me that a quest- Raffael- had arrived. This latino, cute and tall guy who came to visit me. Hea had taken food and wine with him so we could enjoy it. He is an excellent cook I must say. Only not so good was a hering in a marinade that he had bought and that happened to be my breakfast, because it is so-so. Having conversations, postiting the rooms and walking outside, he was so cute to try to explain me everything. So for example at one moment in the tramstation he pointed my attention to the fact that sometimes they make here timetables shorter by putting hournumbers like 12-15 when the minutes war the same.
The two moments when were so magical and almost like in the films- these silly little things I do. We were walking in the middle of the night in the middle of the tramway on the rails, holding the balance. From time to time, when trams passed, we jumped on the pavement.
The name and appearance of this blog was inspired by a rabbit I saw between the houses, about two meteres away from me. At that time was night and I came home to home.
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