Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Soo the first day, it seems as if it had the lenght of a couple of days...

When this spanish guy appeared at my door, I sure was suprised. He is basically a neighbour of mine and also a volunteer. The cutest was that he brought food. He did most of the cooking, although I got my hands also white. Just moments when I asked "are you sure you want me to put the salt to our pasta" were quite funny, but this situation-comic, I know cannot be given foward and I could not put you all guys to my kitchen to view those moments. Finishing the food-stories- he left me the hering (that was actually quite awful and would have ruined the tasty pasta and wine) for breakfast for me.

So my first lessons learning german in here were with Raffa on that evening. We tried to learn it putting the postis everywhere, including on ourselves, so he would get the “stilvoll ” und “r Designer” and I “lustig”, "e Schmetterling", "s Handy". It was quite a lot of fun at least.

In the night we went for a walk, because it was a very nice and warm evening, beasides I could need it after two days of sitting in the bus. As it was night we could enjoy walking on the rails of tram for kilometer at least before the first tram came.

As we were sitting there on the green area- that is suppose to separate the different roads from each other- and talking about different topics, basically still about cultural differences. It is quite interesting that we were the cultural differences, with our behaviour and way of seeing life. I would bring out the fact how he mentioned that they in spain never would use describing sentences or say something like "this is..., there are..." already the language is such... I could not have formed a clear picture of that topic that means I have not been an observer of intercultural communication, I am in it, though. The easiest way to illustrate that is by adding a normal thing in our talks- “Again- can you repeat that”, what can be said even 10 times in one topic! But sometimes we I would explain him one thought for like ten minutes and eventually when he thinks that he has understood, he reflects it back to me and we was totally in the bush, at those moments the best phrase is “das ist egal”- his first phrase he should know by now. When we started our converstion, I had noticed only a few stars in the sky and we had quessed where the Moon would be, but when we finished, the clouds that were already gone and all the stars were visible- amazing!

I quess that is the first challange for me and the first thing I will learn- how to express myself in a more easier and more logical way, so there would be less of those “Again”- s.

The morning, as I start writing about my two mornings, it is morning, it is good to say- good morning!

The yesterday morning was a very different. I would wake up two minutes before the phone of Raffa would ring (why that, is a longer story), quite fastly and suddenly I was awake. At that time I did not have my flatmates yet- they were in Ljubliana. I went to the kitchen. The next thing that came out of me was a scream, because there was a man behind my window, smiling at my behaviour. Then I ran to my room to put something on, because I was not dressed actually, not much. So the thing is that there workmen are renovating my bilding and at 8 there was one behind my window, but I ndid not know they would start so early and would be behind my window, in a few moments time there was another man on my balcony. So then I had my hering- Raffa had left me wine and hering, and I chose then the last one.
Today the workmen started at 7 and now it is already very-very annoying, I cannot write anymore, because my head is acking already from the noise...

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