Monday 21 June 2010

The beginning

To be honest, this is not the beginning for me- my I could even say that my EVS started two years ago when I decided to have this experience. The changes that are happening with me in my EVS started also before, a year or two earlier, but the bigger is my responsibility to myself now to apply them in my life.

To start of with my blogging it would be fair if I would say something general and introductory:
What? I do an Volunteer Service for a year in Germany, Jena.
Why? It is just a period of time when I have to figure out who am I and what do I want and EVS is the best way to challange myself.
When? It started in the second half of June when I got one morning on the bus to drive here for two days.
What again... I work in a kindergarten where they have Montessori method, a specific way to help children develop into healthy kids. I will take on my responsibilities as handcraft making and sometimes music lesson. Will now for more on the second week.
So you are invited to visit me and hear about my adventures.
It has began, but I do not yet what that "it" is. But it sure must be something very exciting and magic.

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