I have been thinking here rather much about the habits and daily routines: how to be fit and healthy, how to plan my day, how to be successful. In the cases of successful people there has been always been a process from one extrem to another, to find in the end the middleway. When to look for an example go my thoughts somehow far in East and to the prince who become a yogi before reaching his goals. That meant to decide to take instead of endless richness he chose total emptiness around him. But only when the inner state of him could be described by these words, he became who we know as Buddha. In the process of learning one should go through a similar path. At first to get a hang of using the write words and phrases in th suitable places is difficult, but achievable. Still, the greatest masters do not use the words because they sound good and make the text more beautiful. Britta Tarvis, the most expert person that I know from literature critics in England, has told me that the finest way to write is concentrating on the thoughts and not the words.
Today started somehow so beautifully- from the moment I woke up the sun was shining for me. Walking along the streets to a friend of mine to eat together, in reality,through a bad foggy whether, I could somehow still hear the birds singing happily and could notice walking by from a window how a woman was singing inside. Having eaten and looking outside from the window, I fet as if I was in Italy- pinetree and the simple and funny Italian atmosphere. The food we together for lunch had cooked was amasing good and I loved how we were both hyperexited about the "Reißverschluss"- zipper, what was 1851 discovered in Usa. And I achieved a lot of goals what I could had never hoped. And I quess the big reason behind the happiness was that I went to bed with a good feeling, having thought about the nice day had had.
Practically speaking, I had moved from knowledge and skill to attitude that means the last step of learningprocess. I name the most important keythoughts in being healty and successful:) To leave hours between eating(time for digesting), not to eat sweets- cacaocream(cacao, honey, warm water and vanille or dried orange peels, dried cranberries) instead of all of that junk, regular meals(thanks to kindergarten), to repeat, rethink the learned material of the day through(or in-formal lessons)in the evening like blogging, The three-minute-rule(do everything that takes so much time instantly, not postphoning it), to choose the priority nr one of the week(helps easily achieve goals), to keep a little bit order,to do sports(when nothing more than a walk or 5 minutes of yoga)daily and when I have a little bit of enthusiasm after all of this take a minihobby a week.
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