Sunday 9 May 2010


I am going slowly and steadily through different preparations that come to my mind.

Today is the day when I started my German Course. I got this suggestion from the book My Italy. There a linguist who described how she has learned languages. Taking a book, in my case "Der kleine Prinz" and translating it, making notes of the most difficult words and understanding the grammar, is said to help you understand how the language works. '

If I started talking about my preparations that in reality really do not exist because of different temptations, I could also mention the idea of reading all the "Minu sari" books. But ironizing a bit I could saythat eating quite much and very well could be for saying goodbye to good and rich home-made dinners(getting ready for the low-budget time there).

So i will go and proceed with having the rich diet I am on at the moment.
I guess I wrote it to some extent for relieving my voice of guilty conscience which whispers now, but I guess soon screams "Why aren´t you doing- you will fly off in 3 weeks!"

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