Sunday, 24 January 2010

forever young

What could be the secret of being young forever- learning forever and non-spot. Firstly, when a person is willing and able to say that you might not be skilled at every field, you are able to admit that there might be some weaknesses you have besides the strong qualities. And secondly, having the playful nature- being able to toy with new things, whether they are words in a foreign language or the techniques of martial arts. "Igrat nado" says my Tai Chi trainer, who speaks Chinese and Russian (I speak as a matter of fact neither of them). So if you happen to be like 35 than you might be of that age as a thinker, but at the same time you might be 2 years old being a horseback rider- it is a very subjective world and all the matter of phrasing it. In this whimsy thought I concentrated from the everybody having their roles influencing their character angle.

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