Monday, 28 June 2010

I feel like being in a wonderland, that for sure. I even to not know where to start- of course- the rabbit. I was again walking along the rails that lead the way to my house and a rabbit come with me to the same direction. The moon was up, my pleasant talking partner continued his way on the tram, the air so warm and through breathing in the nighty air, I felt as if I was in a Jasminebush...

So today as a day of suprises- my roommate, leaving tomorrow gave me an African- furry- cow, a very funny one and self-made, as the name could give you a hint. I celebrated a fellow Estonian brithday giving him a cake with candle. But the most magical was the first day at my workplace. My morning started today quite early, among the children. The teacher took a paper flower, that was like a flower that had not blossomed and when she put it in the water, it slowly opened, and there was written "herzlich mitkommen mit dem Hasen(Wolcome to the bunny-group)" After receiving a sunflower and gifts that were in such cases when I was unhappy or had lost my sunshine, I can use those means...So everything is so nice, cute and happy around me- starting from the flowers, the African cow smiling at me, children, finishing with me from fingers to toes.

Päris veider oli tänane kommipakkumine lasteaias. Need kalevikommid, mis teadagi pigem lapsevaenuliku pakendiga olid, käisid enamikel meie lastel ka üle jõu. Kuid kui nad jõudsid šokolaadini, muutusid nad veel rõõmsamaks. Teadagi sisaldab see pruun kakaomass sama struktuuriga hormooni, mis meid õnnelikuks teeb. Ilmselt ka seepärast nähakse selles tujutõstjat.

Happy-guppy-lappy-vuppy day to you too :)

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